Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My own Biggest Loser game

Well, last night was the premier of the new season of the Biggest Loser. This season they have families...half are parent and child and the other half are married couples. I can't quite figure out why I like this show so much. It's probably because I can relate to the struggle and/or the lack of discipline that people have that let themselves get out of control. I'm a pretty lazy mofo when it comes to self-improvement. I know that I'm not 'in' shape...I'm 'a' shape. I don't want to miss my kids later in life or being able to play with them now. I'm about to be 31 and in the worst shape of my life.

Well, I'm going to challenge myself with a goal of focused workouts and weight loss as the season of The Biggest Loser progresses. The show airs on Tuesdays so this will also be my weigh-in day. I'll post my results each week and my goal at the end of the season is to have dropped 20 pounds.

I've been going to the gym fairly regularly and done cardio work exclusively. Good friends of mine who go to the gym and have for years have been suggesting to me to also hit the weights to get a full body workout. I hate weights so much I can't describe it...but I've got nothing to lose by trying to incorporate a cardio workout and adding some machine weight rotations.

Tomorrow is Thursday and I'll get my starting weight...wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Good for you!!

Beth said...

I love this show too. Good luck! You can do it! I'm sad the Toms got voted off tonight!