This past weekend was awesome. Thursday and Friday we were hit with snow. Now, it normally does not snow in Texas but if it does, it may last for a few hours. This time we had perfect snow for at least 2 days. Thursday I took the 4 older kids and we went down to a steep hill in our neighborhood to go sledding. It was a blast. We used Rubbermaid trash can lids and another large storage container lid for the sleds. It continued to snow while we were sledding which made it more magical. T-boy (age 4) had to wear his cowboy boots which had no traction so it was hilarious to watch him try to climb up the hill. We made a snow man(more like a snow-blob) and snow angels. It was a blast.
On Saturday, the kids had their basketball games and they had a lot of fun. It was fun to watch them as a parent and see them do well. The kids are out of school today as well but I'm back to work (except for right now).